Got Cravings? Helpful Tips To Shut Them Down

Written by: Kimberly McIntyre & Marcela Camargo

Whether you have a sweet tooth or you can’t seem to get enough of those delicious salty chips, cravings can sometimes feel impossible to control. I understand, we’ve all been there. However, I am here to tell you that it is possible to reduce and even eliminate those cravings that are stopping you from getting where you want to be in your health journey. 

First, it is important to understand the causes of cravings so that we can know how to target and eliminate them.


Cravings are your body’s way of trying to tell you something and there are several reasons this may be happening.

When you experience a craving, ask yourself: “What is my body/mind trying to tell me?” Here is a list to evaluate:

  1. Nutritional deficiencies: If the body is missing key nutrients, it can produce cravings as it is trying to signal what it needs. For example, if you are craving chocolate, your body might be lacking magnesium or chromium. Knowing what nutritional deficiencies cause cravings, can help you make a healthy choice to supply the needed nutrients.

  2. Hormonal Imbalance: This occurs when there is too much or a lack of hormones in the body. In addition, the stress hormone, cortisol, increases cravings.

  3. Dehydration: Sometimes you might think you are hungry, but in reality, you are just dehydrated. Hunger and thirst can cause the same sensations and the body might simply be dehydrated.

  4. Stress: Whether it’s relationship problems, lack of exercise, boredom, or dissatisfaction in a relationship, these can all cause emotional eating. Many people reach for food to comfort or distract themselves from what’s really going on. If the craving is caused by one of these issues, try to figure out how to resolve and overcome it.


  1. Eat fruit & vegetables: If you are craving sweets, you can shut it down by grabbing a piece of fruit or sweet vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, or even peas. Dates are a great option too, they taste like candy! These are great options because they appeal to that sweet taste and have nutritional value. 

  2. Get healthy dark chocolate: For my chocolate lovers out there, make sure that your chocolate is at least 70% cacao. By doing this, you also get antioxidants that are great for your body.

  3. Ditch artificial sweeteners: These can actually slow metabolism and fuel cravings. According to an article from Harvard Health Publishing, some people that use artificial sweeteners may also experience a change in how their food tastes. Since non-nutritive sweeteners are more potent than table sugar, some may start to not enjoy fruit as much as they used to. Therefore, the more non-nutritious foods with artificial sweeteners you consume, the more you will want, since other nutritious foods may start tasting “boring” or not “flavorful” enough.

  4. Pair protein with meals and snacks: The body digests protein more slowly than fat and carbs which causes you to feel full for a longer period of time. It is easier to fight cravings when you aren’t starving.

  5. Drink water: As I mentioned before, sometimes your cravings can simply mean that you are dehydrated. Try to increase your water intake. If you don’t like to drink water, figure out what you can so to make it more appealing to you. Maybe choose a pretty glass or jazz it up with some fruit. I suggest adding some sliced cucumbers or lemons.

  6. Change your focus: When you tell yourself you can’t have something, you automatically start thinking about it and even want it more; therefore, cravings get worse. Try to focus on what you should have instead of what you can’t have.

  7. Plan: Shutting down cravings requires a plan. Planning ahead your breakfast, lunch, dinner will help you stick to your goals. Also, you can buy healthy snacks that can curb your cravings for those in-between meals times.

    Click on this link for SAVORY healthy snack options.

    Click on this link for SWEET healthy snack options.

If you need more guidance on how to eliminate your cravings, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help! 


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