Incorporating Ferments into Your Diet

Fermented foods are known for their tangy flavors and the original concept behind fermentation was to preserve food. Slowly over time, many people are starting to recognize all of the benefits that fermented foods have to offer. 

I can remember as a child always having an upset stomach and at times embarrassing gas. I never thought to bring it up to my parents or my primary doctor because I thought this feeling was normal. My stomach continued to have issues until I read Sally Fallon's book, “Nourishing Traditions,” and Jordan Rubin's book, “Patient Heal Thyself." I soon began to implement new dietary principles into my lifestyle and noticed my digestive system slowly healing. I was then introduced to ferments, prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes which had positive impacts on my digestive system and gut health. 

What are the characteristics of fermented foods? 

Fermented foods are foods that have undergone a natural process where good bacteria or yeasts break down sugars in the food. This not only helps preserve the food, but also creates beneficial mixtures like probiotics, which support gut health. Here are common fermented foods you may have heard of before: yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha, and kimchi. During my research, I realized that not all fermented foods are the same. I discovered that sugar can interfere with the beneficial bacteria in your gut, preventing them from working properly.

Benefits of Fermented Foods

Also known as the second brain, the gut is a complex yet influential system that uses the same cells and chemicals as our brain to help regulate our body. It’s essential to know what happens to our gut when we ingest different foods. So what makes fermented foods stand out from all the other health trends? 

When you eat probiotics, they work by replenishing the good bacteria in your digestive system. Things like stress, anxiety, poor diet, or poor sleep often disrupt your digestive system. A balance of good bacteria helps support smooth digestion, reduces bloating, and helps your body break down food more efficiently, making it easier to absorb nutrients. It's also important to maintain a healthy balance of both good and bad bacteria for optimal gut health.

How to add fermented foods into your diet

Many people don't initially like the taste of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and kimchi, but as they begin eating them little by little, they often start craving what they once disliked. Our gut is fascinating in how it sometimes rejects what it hasn't been exposed to, but with persistence, the body can learn to enjoy it.

Adding fermented foods into your diet doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start with small steps. Try adding yogurt to your mornings or making a probiotic smoothie. For lunch, try adding a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi to your salads or sandwiches for an extra boost of flavor. At dinner use miso in soups, marinades, or stews for this fall season, or you can simply eat your fermented foods as a side dish. By slowly adding fermented foods into your diet you’ll be surprised by how much of a difference you’ll feel. For the best sauerkraut and kimchi, always read the ingredients carefully. Raw sauerkraut is ideal, but if that's not available, choose brands that use only simple ingredients like salt, cabbage, and water (such as Bubbies). Be sure to check the label to ensure the ingredients are clean, with no fillers or unnecessary additives like white sugar, which lack nutritional value.

A simple recipe to try at home

This is my tried and true Sauerkraut recipe. My friend eats sauerkraut every morning as a side dish with her eggs. I love how easy it is to make and there are so many ways I am able to incorporate it into my lunches and dinners. To learn more about my sauerkraut recipe click here

Incorporating fermented foods into your diet is a small yet powerful step towards improving your gut health and overall well-being. By understanding how probiotic-rich foods work to support your digestion and immunity, you're taking a proactive approach to nurturing your body from the inside out. Whether you’re new to fermentation or simply looking to expand your options, remember that every small addition can lead to noticeable changes in how you feel.

Links to my favorite supplements that help with digestion if you don’t wish to incorporate fermented foods into your diet.

Bioptimizer products that help with digestion:  

P3-OM -  for healthy gut and immune function:

Masszymes - help breakdown food properly:

HCL - good for those who have an issue with acid reflux, or indigestion:

Use my code: INTYREHEALING for $$ off your purchase.

My amazon links for products mentioned:



Make your own raw sauerkraut kit:

Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions: 

Jordan Ruban's Patient Heal Thyself:


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